Events & Symposia

Extracellular Signaling Regulation on Neoblast Repopulation

POSTTIME:May. 31, 2017 NUM:


My research is focused on signaling mechanisms controlling in vivo stem cell repopulation. Planarians are free-living flatworms, capable of rapidly regenerating from any injury. This incredible ability relies on a proliferative population of cells called “neoblasts” that contain adult pluripotent stem cells. Remarkably, a single pluripotent stem cell surviving sublethal irradiation can repopulate the entire neoblast compartment and generate all types of differentiated cells in the animal’s body. The robust stem cell regulation and methodologies to effectively visualize neoblasts at whole animal resolution makes these organisms a powerful in vivo model system to achieve my research goal. I will take a multidisciplinary approach combining molecular biology, biochemistry, genetics, microscopy, and computational biology to uncover the signaling mechanisms conferring the in vivo neoblast repopulation in planarians and apply in mammals.



      雷凯博士2006年毕业于武汉大学生命科学与技术基地班,同年保送进入复旦大学发育生物学基地韩珉老师实验室攻读博士学位,接受小鼠遗传与发育生物学训练,研究发现,核膜蛋白SUN-Syne蛋白复合体在骨骼肌细胞核定位、大脑和视网膜神经细胞迁移、以及DNA损伤修复中发挥重要功能,研究成果分别在PNASNeuronHuman Molecular Genetics、以及Current Biology发表。在此期间,雷凯博士荣获了吴瑞奖学金,强生亚洲优秀生命科技研究生论文一等奖,教育部学术新人奖,上海市优秀博士论文,廖凯源奖学金等多项荣誉。雷凯博士现为美国Stowers研究所Sánchez实验室博士后,利用具有强大全个体再生能力的涡虫为模式生物,研究成体干细胞群体内再生的调控机制,研究成果已在Developmental CelleLife发表。


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