Events & Symposia

Excelling as an author, a reviewer and a scientific citizen

POSTTIME:Oct. 19, 2016 NUM:


讲座题目:Excelling as an author, a reviewer and a scientific citizen

主讲人 :Peter T. Lee, Ph.D.

                 Immunity 杂志总编辑





Peter Lee is the Editor-in-Chief of Immunity, and the Publishing Director at Cell Press. Peter started his editorial and publishing career with the Nature Publishing Group before joining Cell Press in 2005. Peter’s scientific training in microbiology and immunology began in Australia at the University of Western Australia, followed by postdoctoral research at Princeton University. In addition to leading the Immunity editorial team, Peter’s responsibilities include editorial and publishing policy and strategy across all journals at Cell Press. He is also spearheading Cell Press’s foray into the world of chemistry, and leads an international program, currently focusing on China.


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