MRI has successfully held the 2018 Academic Annual forum in Xianning from 26th to 28th December 2018. Academician Zhu Yuxian, who is the director of Advanced Studies Institute Wuhan University, was also invited. The MRI director Dr. Hongbing Shu first delivered the opening speech, he introduced the great achievements made in the field of talent team building as well as the scientific research in the past year, and looked forward to the future development direction. He wished the forum a complete success and hoped that through holding the forum, the academic exchanges and deep cooperation between our participating scholars will be further promoted.

Sixteen PIs presented their academic reports on the forum. They made a detailed exposition and in-depth analysis of the scientific research progress achieved by the research group in 2018, and also conducted a heated discussion with relevant scholars. After the meeting, Academician Zhu Yuxian and Prof. Ke Lan give some wonderful comments. Academician Zhu greatly affirmed the academic achievements and constructions achieved by MRI ever since its establishment. Combining the current international and domestic scientific research situation and the unique characteristics of the biology department, he analyzed the trend of biological research in the future. Prof. Ke Lan expressed sincere congratulations on the flourishing development of MRI.