The tumor suppressor PTEN has a critical role in antiviral innate immunity

POSTTIME:Dec. 21, 2015 NUM:

2015 Dec 21. doi: 10.1038/ni.3311. [Epub ahead of print]

The tumor suppressor PTEN has acritical role in antiviral innate immunity.

Li S 1, Zhu M 1, Pan R 1, Fang T 1, Cao YY 1, Chen S 2, Zhao X 1, Lei CQ 1, Guo L 1, Chen Y 1, Li CM 3, Jokitalo E 3, Yin Y 4, Shu HB 1, Guo D 1, 2.


The gene encoding PTEN is one of the most frequently mutated tumor suppressor-encoding genes in human cancer. While PTEN's function in tumor suppression is well established, its relationship to anti-microbial immunity remains unknown. Here we found a pivotal role for PTEN in the induction of type I interferon, the hall mark of antiviral innate immunity, that was independent of the pathway of the kinases PI(3)K and Akt.PTEN controlled the import of IRF3, a master transcription factor responsible for IFN-β production, into the nucleus. We further identified aPTEN-controlled negative phosphorylation site at Ser97 of IRF3 and found that release from this negative regulation via the phosphatase activity ofPTEN was essential for the activation of IRF3 and its import into the nucleus. Our study identifies crosstalk between PTEN and IRF3 in tumor suppression and innate immunity.

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