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专 业:细胞生物学






2007-2011 湖南师范大学生命科学学院生物科学专业,学士

2011-2016 武汉大学生命科学学院细胞生物学专业,博士


2016-2018 武汉大学医学研究院,博士后

2018-2021 武汉大学医学研究院,副研究员、院士学术秘书

2022-至今 武汉大学医学研究院,副教授、院士秘书




1. Yang YY#, Cao LB#, He WR#, Zhong L, Guo Y, Yang Q, Shu HB, Hu MM*(2022). Endocytosis triggers V-ATPase-SYK–mediated priming of cGAS activation and innate immune response. P NATL ACAD SCI USA 119 (43):e2207280119

2. Yang Q, Shu HB*(2020). Deciphering the pathways to antiviral innate immunity and inflammation. Advances in Immunology 145:1

3. Zang R, Lian H, Zhong X, Yang Q*, Shu HB*(2020). ZCCHC3 modulates TLR3-mediated signaling by promoting recruitment of TRIF to TLR3. Journal of Molecular Cell Biology 12(4):251

4. Sun XN, Liu T, Zhao J, Xia HS, Xie J, Guo Y, Zhong L, Li M, Yang Q, Peng C, Rouvet I, Belot A, Shu HB, Feng PH, Zhang JJ*(2020) DNA-PK deficiency potentiates cGAS-mediated antiviral innate immunity. Nat Commun 11(1):6182

5. Zhong X, Feng L, Zang R, Lei Cao-Qi, Yang Q, Shu HB*(2020). ZFYVE1 negatively regulates MDA5- but not RIG-I-mediated innate antiviral response. PLoS Pathog 16(4):e1008457

6. Guo W#, Wei J#, Zhong X, Zang R, Lian H; Hu MM, Li S, Shu HB*, Yang Q*(2019). SNX8 modulates the innate immune response to RNA viruses by regulating the aggregation of VISA. Cellular & Molecular Immunology 17(11):1126

7. Wu X, Lei CQ, Xia T, Zhong X, Yang Q, Shu HB*(2019). Regulation of TRIF-mediated innate immune response by K27-linked polyubiquitination and deubiquitination. Nat Commun 10(1):4115

8. Hu MM*, He WR, Gao P, Yang Q, He K, Cao LB, Li S, Feng YQ, Shu HB*(2019). Virus-induced accumulation of intracellular bile acids activates the TGR5-beta-arrestin-SRC axis to enable innate antiviral immunity. Cell Research 29(3):193

9. Lin H, Gao D, Hu MM, Zhang M, Wu XX, Feng L, Xu WH, Yang Q, Zhong X, Wei J, Xu ZS, Zhang HX, Song ZM, Zhou Q, Ye W, Liu Y, Li S, Shu HB*(2018). MARCH3 attenuates IL-1 beta-triggered inflammation by mediating K48-linked polyubiquitination and degradation of IL-1RI. P NATL ACAD SCI USA 115: 12483

10. Wei J#, Lian H#, Guo W, Chen YD, Zhang XN, Zang R, Zhong L, Yang Q, Hu MM, Luo WW, Shu HB*, Li S*(2018). SNX8 modulates innate immune response to DNA virus by mediating trafficking and activation of MITA. PLoS Pathog 14(10):e1007336

11. Lian H, Zang R, Wei J, Ye W, Hu MM, Chen YD, Zhang XN, Guo Y, Lei CQ, Yang Q, Luo WW, Li S*, Shu HB*(2018). The Zinc-Finger Protein ZCCHC3 Binds RNA and Facilitates Viral RNA Sensing and Activation of the RIG-I-like Receptors. Immunity 49: 438

12. Lian H, Wei J, Zang R, Ye W, Yang Q, Zhang XN, Chen YD, Fu YZ, Hu MM, Lei CQ, Luo WW, Li S*, Shu HB*(2018). ZCCHC3 is a co-sensor of cGAS for dsDNA recognition in innate immune response. Nat Commun 9: 3349

13. Yang Q, Liu TT, Lin H, Zhang M, Wei J, Luo WW, Hu YH, Zhong B, Hu MM, Shu HB*(2017). TRIM32-TAX1BP1-dependent selective autophagic degradation of TRIF negatively regulates TLR3/4-mediated innate immune responses. PLoS Pathog 13(9):e1006600

14. Hu MM, Liao CY, Yang Q, Xie XQ, Shu HB*(2017). Innate immunity to RNA virus is regulated by temporal and reversible sumoylation of RIG-I and MDA5. J Exp Med 214(4):973

15. Wei J, Guo W, Lian H, Yang Q, Lin H, Li S*, Shu HB*(2017). SNX8 mediates IFNγ-triggered noncanonical signaling pathway and host defense against Listeria monocytogenes. P NATL ACAD SCI USA 114:13000

16. Hu MM, Yang Q, Xie XQ, Liao CY, Lin H, Liu TT, Yin L, Shu HB*(2016). Sumoylation Promotes the Stability of the DNA Sensor cGAS and the Adaptor STING to Regulate the Kinetics of Response to DNA Virus. Immunity 45: 555

17. Luo WW, Li S, Li C, Lian H, Yang Q, Zhong, B, Shu HB*(2016). iRhom2 is essential for innate immunity to DNA viruses by mediating trafficking and stability of the adaptor STING. Nat. Immunol 17: 1057

18. Liu TT, Yang Q, Li M, Zhong B, Ran Y, Liu LL, Yang Y, Wang YY, Shu HB*(2016). LSm14A Plays a Critical Role in Antiviral Immune Responses by Regulating MITA Level in a Cell-Specific Manner. J Immunol 196: 5101

19. Hu MM, Yang Q, Zhang J, Liu SM, Zhang Y, Lin H, Huang ZF, Wang YY, Zhang XD, Zhong B, Shu HB*(2014). TRIM38 inhibits TNFα- and IL-1β-triggered NF-κB activation by mediating lysosome-dependent degradation of TAB2/3. P Natl Acad Sci USA 111:1509

