2002-2006 华中师范大学,学士
2006-2012 中国科学院生物物理研究所,博士
2013-2018 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC, US,Postdoc
2018-2020 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC, US,Research Associate
2020-至今 武汉大学医学研究院,教授
Career Development Award, American Heart Association (2018-2020,主持)
成年心脏再生能力有限。本实验室聚焦细胞重编程技术,致力于破解心脏再生的核心密码。心肌细胞重编程技术可将成纤维细胞重塑为有功能的心肌细胞,原位修复心脏并改善心脏功能,成为心脏再生医学领域新的突破点。本实验室前期建立了高效的心肌细胞重编程体系(Circulation Research, 2015),并结合单细胞多组学技术描绘了心肌细胞命运转换图谱,并揭示了此过程中细胞自噬、能量代谢等调控枢纽介导细胞命运转换的分子机制(Nature 2017; Science Translational Medicine 2020; Molecular Therapy 2025)。我们将综合应用分子生物学、细胞生物学和遗传学,结合先进的单细胞多组学和生物信息学分析,剖析细胞命运决定的调控机理,为探索心脏再生和心血管疾病的治疗提供新的思路和方向。
1. Jia, Z., Xiang, L., Yu, Z., Wang, L., Fang, J., Liu, M., Wu, X., Lu, Z., and Wang, L. Enhanced Fatty Acid Oxidation via SCD1 Downregulation Fuels Cardiac Reprogramming. Molecular Therapy. 2025. 10.1016/j.ymthe.2025.02.034.
2. Song Y*, Wang L*, Wang H, Ma H, Xu J, Liu J, Qian L. Decoding aging in the heart via single cell dual omics of non-cardiomyocytes. iScience, 2024 Nov 28;27(12):111469. * Equal contribution.
3. Huang, P., Xu, J., Keepers, B., Xie, Y., Near, D., Xu, Y., Hua, J.R., Spurlock, B., Ricketts, S., Liu, J., Wang, L.#, Qian, L#. Direct cardiac reprogramming via combined CRISPRa-mediated endogenous Gata4 activation and exogenous Mef2c and Tbx5 expression. Molecular Therapy Nucleic Acids, 2024.35, 102390. #co-correspondence.
4. Wang L*, Yang Y*, Ma H, Xie Y, Xu J, Near, D., Wang, H., Garbutt T, Liu J, Qian L. Single Cell Dual-Omics Reveals the Transcriptomic and Epigenomic Diversity of Cardiac Non-myocytes.Cardiovascular Research, 2021, cvab134.
5. Wang L, Ma H, Huang P, Xie Y, Near D, Wang H, Xu J, Yang Y, Xu Y, Garbutt T, Zhou Y, Liu Z, Yin C, Bressan M, Taylor JM, Liu J, Qian L. Down-regulation of Beclin1 promotes direct cardiac reprogramming.Science Translational Medicine, 2020,12;566
6. Liu Z*.,Wang L.*, Welch J.*, Ma H., Zhou Y., Vaseghi H.R., Yu S., Wall J.B., Alimohamadi S., Zheng M., Yin C., Shen W., Prins J., Liu J.and Qian L. Single-cell transcriptomics reconstructs fate conversion from fibroblast to cardiomyocyte.Nature, 2017,551(7678):100-104.
7. Wang L. *, Liu Z. *, Yin C., Asfour H., Chen O., Li Y., Bursac N., Liu J. and Qian L. Stoichiometry of Gata4, Mef2c and Tbx5 influences the efficiency and quality of iCM reprogramming.Circ Res. 2015, 116, 237-244. * Equal contribution. (Editor’s Pick; highlighted on cover; Previewed in Muraoka et al.,Circ Res, 116:216-218.)
8. Zhou Y.,Wang L., Liu Z., Alimohamadi S., Liu J. and Qian L. Comparative gene expression analyses reveal distinct molecular signature between induced cardiomyocytes and induced pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes.Cell Reports,2017, 20(13):3014-3024.
9. Zhou Y.,Wang L., Vaseghi H., Liu Z., Lu R., Alimohamadi S., Yin C., Fu J., Wang G.G., Liu J. and Qian L. Bmi1 is a key epigenetic barrier to direct cardiac reprogramming.Cell Stem Cell, 2016,18(3), 382-395.
10. Wang L., Liu J. and Qian L. (2017) In vivo Lineage Reprogramming of Fibroblasts to Cardiomyocytes for Heart Regeneration. In:In Vivo Reprogramming in Regenerative Medicine (Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine)(Yilmazer ed) Springer International Publishing AG. p45-63.