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最后学位:理学博士(PhD, Wuhan University)


专 业:细胞生物学、免疫学






2007-2011 武汉大学生命科学学院,学士

2011-2016 武汉大学生命科学学院,博士


2016.10-2019.8 武汉大学医学研究院,特聘副研究员

2018.4-现在 病毒学国家重点实验室,PI

2019.9-现在 武汉大学医学研究院,教授、博导

2020.1-现在 免疫与代谢前沿科学中心,PI

2020.7-现在 武汉大学中南医院,特聘教授

2022.4-现在 武汉大学泰康生命医学中心,PI


2016 全国优秀博士后创新人才支持计划(首届)

2017 武汉大学研究生学术创新奖(特等奖)

2017 国家基金委自然科学基金面上项目

2019 国家优秀青年科学基金(人才项目)

2021 国家基金委自然科学基金面上项目

2021 国家科技部重点研发计划(青年项目)

2022 国家科技部重点研发计划(青年项目)

代表性论文 (*:corresponding author)

1. Yang, Y.L.#, Cao, L.B.#, He, W.R.#, Zhong, L., Guo, Y., Yang, Q., Shu, H.B., and Hu, M.M.* (2022). Endocytosis triggers V-ATPase-SYK-mediated priming of cGAS activation and innate immune response. PNAS 119, e2207280119.

2. Cao, L.B., Ruan Z.L., Yang Y.L., Zhang N.C., Gao, C., Cai, C.G., Zhang J., Hu, M.M.,* and Shu H.B.* (2023). Estrogen receptor a-mediated signaling inhibits type I interferon response to promote breast cancer. J Mol Cell B (In press)

3. Guo, Y., Zhang, X.N., Su, S., Ruan, Z.L., Hu, M.M.*, and Shu, H.B.* (2023). beta-adrenoreceptor-triggered PKA activation negatively regulates the innate antiviral response. Cell Mol Immunol 20, 175–188.

4. Su, S.#, Hua, D.#, Li, J.P.#, Zhang, X.N., Bai, L., Cao, L.B., Guo, Y., Zhang, M., Dong, J.Z., Liang, X.W., Lan, K., Hu, M.M.*, and Shu, H.B.* (2022). Modulation of innate immune response to viruses including SARS-CoV-2 by progesterone. Signal Transduct Target Ther 7(1):137

5. He W.R., Cao L.B., Yang Y.L., Hua D., Hu M.M.* and Shu H.B.* (2021). VRK2 is involved in innate antiviral response by promoting mitostress-induced mtDNA release. Cell Mol Immunol (In press)

6. Hu M.M.* and Shu H.B.*(2020). Innate Immune Response to Cytoplasmic DNA: Mechanisms and Diseases. Ann Rev Immunol 38:78-89.

7. Hu M.M.*, He W.R., Gao P., Yang Q., He K., Cao L.B., Li S., Feng Y.Q. and Shu H.B.* (2019). Virus-induced accumulation of intracellular bile acids activates the TGR5-b-arrestin-SRC axis to enable innate antiviral immunity. Cell Research 29, 193-205.

8. Hu M.M.* and Shu H.B.* (2018). Cytoplasmic mechanisms of recognition and defense of microbial nucleic acids. Annu Rev Cell Dev Bi 34, 357-379.

9. Yang, Q., Liu, T.T., Lin, H., Zhang, M., Wei, J., Luo, W.W., Hu, Y.H., Zhong, B., Hu, M.M.*, and Shu, H.B.* (2017). TRIM32-TAX1BP1-dependent selective autophagic degradation of TRIF negatively regulates TLR3/4-mediated innate immune responses. PLoS Pathog 13(9):e1006600.

10. Hu, M.M., Liao, C.Y., Yang, Q., Xie, X.Q., and Shu. H.B.* (2017). Innate immunity to RNA virus is regulated by temporal and reversible sumoylation of RIG-I and MDA5. J Exp Med 214(4):973-989.

11. Hu, M.M. and Shu H.B. (2017). Multifaceted roles of TRIM38 in innate immune and inflammatory responses. Cell Mol Immunol 14(4):331-338.

12. Hu, M.M., Yang, Q., Xie, X.Q., Liao, C.Y., Lin, H., Liu, T.T., and Shu, H.B. (2016). Sumoylation promotes the stability of the DNA sensor cGAS and the adaptor STING to regulate the kinetics of response to DNA virus. Immunity 45, 555-569.

13. Hu, M.M., Xie, X.Q., Yang, Q., Liao, C.Y., Ye, W., Lin, H., and Shu, H.B.* (2015). TRIM38 Negatively Regulates TLR3/4-Mediated Innate Immune and Inflammatory Responses by Two Sequential and Distinct Mechanisms. J Immunol 195, 4415-4425.

14. Hu, M.M., Yang, Q., Zhang, J., Liu, S.M., Zhang, Y., Lin, H., Huang, Z.F., Wang, Y.Y., Zhang, X.D., Zhong, B., and Shu, H.B. (2014). TRIM38 inhibits TNFalpha- and IL-1beta-triggered NF-kappaB activation by mediating lysosome-dependent degradation of TAB2/3. PNAS 111, 1509-1514.
