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专 业:细胞生物学






1999-2003 中国科学技术大学 学士

2003-2009 中国科学技术大学 博士


2009-2010 荷兰伊拉斯谟医学中心(Erasmus Medical Center) 博士后

2011-2017 荷兰乌特勒支大学(Utrecht University) 博士后

2017-至今 武汉大学医学研究院 教授






1. Guan, C., Hua, S., and Jiang, K. (2023). The CEP170B-KIF2A complex destabilizes microtubule minus ends to generate polarized microtubule network. EMBO J 42, e112953.

2. Zhang, Y., Hong, X., Hua, S., and Jiang, K. (2022). Reconstitution and mechanistic dissection of the human microtubule branching machinery. J Cell Biol 221.

3. Huang, J., Liang, Z., Guan, C., Hua, S., and Jiang, K. (2021). WDR62 regulates spindle dynamics as an adaptor protein between TPX2/Aurora A and katanin. J Cell Biol. 220.

4. Rai, D., Song, Y., Hua, S., Stecker, K., Monster, J. L., Yin, V., Stucchi, R., Xu, Y., Zhang, Y., Chen, F., Katrukha, E. A., Altelaar, M., Heck, A. J. R., Wieczorek, M., Jiang, K.# and Akhmanova, A.# (2024). "CAMSAPs and nucleation-promoting factors control microtubule release from gamma-TuRC." Nat Cell Biol 26(3): 404-420.

5. Yang, S.*, Cai, M.*, Huang, J.*, Zhang, S., Mo, X., Jiang, K.#, Cui, H.# and Yuan, J.# (2023). "EB1 decoration of microtubule lattice facilitates spindle-kinetochore lateral attachment in Plasmodium male gametogenesis." Nat Commun 14(1): 2864.

6. Qian, P.#, Wang, X.#, Guan, C.#, Fang, X., Cai, M., Zhong, C. Q., Cui, Y., Li, Y., Yao, L., Cui, H.#, Jiang, K.# and Yuan, J.# (2022). "Apical anchorage and stabilization of subpellicular microtubules by apical polar ring ensures Plasmodium ookinete infection in mosquito." Nat Commun 13(1): 7465.

7. Hua, S., and Jiang, K. (2020). Expression and Purification of Microtubule-Associated Proteins from HEK293T Cells for In Vitro Reconstitution. Methods Mol Biol. 2101:19-26.

8. Jiang, K.*#, Rezabkova, L.*, Hua, S., Liu, Q., Capitani, G., Altelaar, A.F.M., Heck, A.J.R., Kammerer, R.A.#, Steinmetz, M.O.#, and Akhmanova, A.# (2017). Microtubule minus-end regulation at spindle poles by an ASPM-katanin complex. Nat Cell Biol 19, 480-492.

9. Atherton, J.*, Jiang, K.*, Stangier, M.M., Luo, Y., Hua, S., Houben, K., van Hooff, J.J.E., Joseph, A.P., Scarabelli, G., Grant, B.J., Roberts, A.J., Topf, M., Steinmetz, M.O., Baldus, M., Moores, C.A.#, and Akhmanova, A.# (2017). A structural model for microtubule minus-end recognition and protection by CAMSAP proteins. Nat Struct Mol Biol 24, 931-943.

10. Jiang, K., Hua, S., Mohan, R., Grigoriev, I., Yau, K.W., Liu, Q., Katrukha, E.A., Altelaar, A.F., Heck, A.J., Hoogenraad, C.C., and Akhmanova, A. (2014). Microtubule minus-end stabilization by polymerization-driven CAMSAP deposition. Dev Cell 28, 295-309.

11. Jiang, K., Toedt, G., Montenegro Gouveia, S., Davey, N.E., Hua, S., van der Vaart, B., Grigoriev, I., Larsen, J., Pedersen, L.B., Bezstarosti, K., Lince-Faria, M., Demmers, J., Steinmetz, M.O., Gibson, T.J., and Akhmanova, A. (2012). A Proteome-wide screen for mammalian SxIP motif-containing microtubule plus-end tracking proteins. Curr Biol 22, 1800-1807.

12. Jiang, K., and Akhmanova, A. (2011). Microtubule tip-interacting proteins: a view from both ends. Curr Opin Cell Biol 23, 94-101.

13. Jiang, K., Wang, J., Liu, J., Ward, T., Wordeman, L., Davidson, A., Wang, F., and Yao, X. (2009). TIP150 interacts with and targets MCAK at the microtubule plus ends. EMBO Rep 10, 857-865.

