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专 业:病毒学






1989-1994 重庆医科大学临床医学专业,获医学学士学位

1995-1998 重庆医科大学病理生理学专业,获医学硕士学位

1998-2001 中南大学湘雅医学院病理生理学专业,获医学博士学位


1994-1995 四川省屏山县人民医院,住院医师

2002-2006 美国宾夕法尼亚大学医学院,博士后

2006-2016 中国科学院上海巴斯德研究所研究员,博士生导师,肿瘤病毒研究组组长,病原诊断技术研发中心主任

2011-2016 中国科学院上海巴斯德研究所副所长,纪委书记

2017-至今 武汉大学病毒学国家重点实验室主任,生命科学学院教授、博士生导师,医学研究院副院长

2020-至今 武汉大学动物实验中心/A3实验室主任


2006:美国白血病和淋巴瘤学会Special Fellow Award

















Cell Insight 执行主编

Journal of Virology 编委

Viruses 编委

Journal of Medical Virology 副主编

Virologica Sinica 副主编

Science Bulletin 副主编






主要从事肿瘤疱疹病毒、重要新发病毒的感染及致病机理研究,在卡波氏肉瘤病毒(KSHV)、新冠病毒(SARS-CoV-2)等方面做出了系统性、原创性的研究工作:在KSHV研究方面,曾揭示KSHV关键开关分子RTA的表达调控机机理,提出RTA-LANA负反馈调控工作模型,得到领域内的广泛认可,对阐明KSHV潜伏感染的形成机制有重要的指导意义;曾利用KSHV作为工作模型,率先发现病毒包装自身及宿主miRNA,不仅揭示了病毒粒子一种新的构成成分,也鉴定了胞外游离型miRNA的一种新的存在形式,具有重要的学术价值;曾阐明KSHV通过操控Notch及BMP等重要信号转导通路参与致瘤的新机制,为发展相关肿瘤有效的治疗手段奠定了重要基础;在新冠病毒研究方面,曾开展病原体鉴定工作并获得成功,成为国内最早鉴定出新型冠状病毒的团队之一,为我国在疫情早期快速锁定病原体做出了重要贡献; 曾首次揭示了新冠病毒气溶胶粒径分布特征,及时向湖北省疫情防控指挥部科技攻关组提交了研究报告,作为决策参考依据等。

代表性论文(25 out of 150)

1: Ren P, Niu D, Chang S, Yu L, Ren J, Ma Y, Lan K*. RUNX3 inhibits KSHV lytic replication by binding to the viral genome and repressing transcription. J Virol. 2024 Feb 20;98(2):e0156723.

2: Dang F, Bai L, Dong J, Hu X, Wang J, Paulo JA, Xiong Y, Liang X, Sun Y, Chen Y, Guo M, Wang X, Huang Z, Inuzuka H, Chen L, Chu C, Liu J, Zhang T, Rezaeian AH, Liu J, Kaniskan HÜ, Zhong B, Zhang J, Letko M, Jin J*, Lan K*, Wei W*. USP2 inhibition prevents infection with ACE2-dependent coronaviruses in vitro and is protective against SARS-CoV-2 in mice. Sci Transl Med. 2023 Dec 6;15(725):eadh7668.

3: Fan H, Zhou L, Lv J, Yang S, Chen G, Liu X, Han C, Tan X, Qian S, Wu Z, Yu S, Guo M, Zhu C*, Chen Y*, Lan K*. Bacterial coinfections contribute to severe COVID-19 in winter. Cell Res. 2023 Jul;33(7):562-564.

4: Zhao Y, Ni W, Liang S, Dong L, Xiang M, Cai Z, Niu D, Zhang Q, Wang D, Zheng Y, Zhang Z, Zhou D, Guo W, Pan Y, Wu X, Yang Y, Jing Z, Jiang Y, Chen Y, Yan H, Zhou Y, Xu K*, Lan K*. Vaccination with Span, an antigen guided by SARS-CoV-2 S protein evolution, protects against challenge with viral variants in mice. Sci Transl Med. 2023 Jan 4;15(677):eabo3332.

5: Ma C, Chen X, Mei F, Xiong Q, Liu Q, Dong L, Liu C, Zou W, Zhan F, Hu B, Liu Y, Liu F, Zhou L, Xu J, Jiang Y, Xu K, Cai K*, Chen Y*, Yan H*, Lan K*. Drastic decline in sera neutralization against SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant in Wuhan COVID-19 convalescents. Emerg Microbes Infect. 2022 Dec;11(1):567-572.

6: Han C, Zhang D, Gui C, Huang L, Chang S, Dong L, Bai L, Wu S, Lan K*. KSHV RTA antagonizes SMC5/6 complex-induced viral chromatin compaction by hijacking the ubiquitin-proteasome system. PLoS Pathog. 2022 Aug 1;18(8):e1010744 

7: Liu Q, Xiong Q, Mei F, Ma C, Zhang Z, Hu B, Xu J, Jiang Y, Zhan F, Zhou S, Tao L, Chen X, Guo M, Wang X, Fang Y, Shen S, Liu Y, Liu F, Zhou L, Xu K, Ke C, Deng F, Cai K*, Yan H*, Chen Y*, Lan K*. Antibody neutralization to SARS-CoV-2 and variants after 1 year in Wuhan, China. Innovation. 2022 Jan 25;3(1):100181.

8: Dong L, Dong J, Xiang M, Lei P, Li Z, Zhang F, Sun X, Niu D, Bai L*, Lan K*. NDRG1 facilitates lytic replication of Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus by maintaining the stability of the KSHV helicase. PLoS Pathog. 2021 Jun 2;17(6):e1009645.

9: Wang D, Jiang A, Feng J, Li G, Guo D, Sajid M, Wu K, Zhang Q, Ponty Y, Will S, Liu F, Yu X, Li S, Liu Q, Yang XL, Guo M, Li X, Chen M, Shi ZL, Lan K*, Chen Y*, Zhou Y*. The SARS-CoV-2 subgenome landscape and its novel regulatory features. Mol Cell. 2021 May 20;81(10):2135-2147

10: Yan H, Jiao H, Liu Q, Zhang Z, Xiong Q, Wang BJ, Wang X, Guo M, Wang LF, Lan K*, Chen Y*, Zhao H*. ACE2 receptor usage reveals variation in susceptibility to SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 infection among bat species. Nat Ecol Evol. 2021 May;5(5):600-608.

11: Bai L, Zhao Y, Dong J, Liang S, Guo M, Liu X, Wang X, Huang Z, Sun X, Zhang Z, Dong L, Liu Q, Zheng Y, Niu D, Xiang M, Song K, Ye J, Zheng W, Tang Z, Tang M, Zhou Y, Shen C, Dai M, Zhou L, Chen Y, Yan H, Lan K*, Xu K*. Coinfection with influenza A virus enhances SARS-CoV-2 infectivity. Cell Res. 2021 Apr;31(4):395-403.

12: Wei X, Dong J, Cheng CC, Ji M, Yu L, Luo S, Wu S, Bai L, Lan K*. Host RAB11FIP5 protein inhibits the release of Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus particles by promoting lysosomal degradation of ORF45. PLoS Pathog. 2020 Dec 14;16(12):e1009099.

13: Xiong Y, Liu Y, Cao L, Wang D, Guo M, Jiang A, Guo D, Hu W, Yang J, Tang Z, Wu H, Lin Y, Zhang M, Zhang Q, Shi M, Liu Y, Zhou Y, Lan K*, Chen Y*. Transcriptomic characteristics of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and peripheral blood mononuclear cells in COVID-19 patients. Emerg Microbes Infect. 2020 Dec;9(1):761-770.

14: Liu Y, Ning Z, Chen Y, Guo M, Liu Y, Gali NK, Sun L, Duan Y, Cai J, Westerdahl D, Liu X, Xu K, Ho KF, Kan H*, Fu Q*, Lan K*. Aerodynamic analysis of SARS-CoV-2 in two Wuhan hospitals. Nature. 2020 Jun;582(7813):557-560.

15: Liu W, Zhang Q, Chen J, Xiang R, Song H, Shu S, Chen L, Liang L, Zhou J, You L, Wu P, Zhang B, Lu Y, Xia L, Huang L, Yang Y, Liu F, Semple MG, Cowling BJ, Lan K*, Sun Z*, Yu H*, Liu Y*. Detection of Covid-19 in Children in Early January 2020 in Wuhan, China. N Engl J Med. 2020 Apr 2;382(14):1370-1371.

16: Chen L, Liu W, Zhang Q, Xu K, Ye G, Wu W, Sun Z, Liu F, Wu K, Zhong B, Mei Y, Zhang W, Chen Y, Li Y*, Shi M*, Lan K*, Liu Y*. RNA based mNGS approach identifies a novel human coronavirus from two individual pneumonia cases in 2019 Wuhan outbreak. Emerg Microbes Infect. 2020 Feb 5;9(1):313-319.

17: Wei X, Bai L, Dong L, Liu H, Xing P, Zhou Z, Wu S, Lan K*. NCOA2 promotes lytic reactivation of Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus by enhancing the expression of the master switch protein RTA. PLoS Pathog. 2019 Nov 21;15(11):e1008160.

18: Bai L, Dong J, Liu Z, Rao Y, Feng P, Lan K*. Viperin catalyzes methionine oxidation to promote protein expression and function of helicases. Sci Adv. 2019 Aug 28;5(8):eaax1031.

19: Zhang F, Liang D, Lin X, Zou Z, Sun R, Wang X, Liang X, Kaye KM, Lan K*. NDRG1 facilitates the replication and persistence of Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus by interacting with the DNA polymerase clamp PCNA. PLoS Pathog. 2019 Feb 27;15(2):e1007628.

20: Yuan F, Gao ZQ, Majerciak V, Bai L, Hu ML, Lin XX, Zheng ZM*, Dong YH*, Lan K*. The crystal structure of KSHV ORF57 reveals dimeric active sites important for protein stability and function. PLoS Pathog. 2018 Aug 10;14(8):e1007232.

21: Wang X, Zou Z, Deng Z, Liang D, Zhou X, Sun R, Lan K*. Male hormones activate EphA2 to facilitate Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus infection: Implications for gender disparity in Kaposi's sarcoma. PLoS Pathog. 2017 Sep 28;13(9):e1006580.

22: Sun R, Tan X, Wang X, Wang X, Yang L, Robertson ES, Lan K*. Epigenetic Landscape of Kaposi's Sarcoma-Associated Herpesvirus Genome in Classic Kaposi's Sarcoma Tissues. PLoS Pathog. 2017 Jan 24;13(1):e1006167.

23: Li S, Hu H, He Z, Liang D, Sun R, Lan K*. Fine-Tuning of the Kaposi's Sarcoma-Associated Herpesvirus Life Cycle in Neighboring Cells through the RTA-JAG1-Notch Pathway. PLoS Pathog. 2016 Oct 19;12(10):e1005900.

24: Liang D, Hu H, Li S, Dong J, Wang X, Wang Y, He L, He Z, Gao Y, Gao SJ, Lan K*. Oncogenic herpesvirus KSHV Hijacks BMP-Smad1-Id signaling to promote tumorigenesis. PLoS Pathog. 2014 Jul 10;10(7):e1004253.

25: Liang D, Gao Y, Lin X, He Z, Zhao Q, Deng Q, Lan K*. A human herpesvirus miRNA attenuates interferon signaling and contributes to maintenance of viral latency by targeting IKKε. Cell Res. 2011 May;21(5):793-806.
